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The Hub - and how it came about 17/05/2019

When we moved into Cranborne a couple of years ago, one of the first things that we did was to take a stroll around the estate to see what was about. We were surprised at the sheer volume and variety of businesses here. But without any directory boards about, or any centrally organised communications, it became clear pretty quickly that lots of us were operating in a bit of a bubble – we don’t know who our neighbours are, or what’s just around the corner – which means that we’ve been missing lots of great opportunities! Business to business opportunities, but also opportunities for individuals who work on the estate to buy products and services from companies on the estate. And how much easier, and quicker, is it to do business with someone on the next block – with the added advantage that it’s also convenient to meet face to face. And so we came up with the idea of the Cranborne Hub. It took us a while to get around to it (after all, nobody is paying us to do this) but as soon as we started asking around for businesses to sign up, it became very obvious to us how much enthusiasm there was for the idea. So, please, use it as much as possible and encourage your colleagues and other contacts on the estate to do the same. The more of a Cranborne Community we create, the better for all of us who work here!

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